DV Lottery Interview Questions and Answers
The DV Lottery winner’s interview is one of the most important steps to become a US Permanent Resident Green Card holder.
On the scheduled DV Lottery interview date, the selectee (winner) and his or her family members will meet with a consular official at the American Embassy or Consulate.
It is crucial that the prospective immigrant satisfies all of the DV Lottery interview requirements in order to have the best opportunity of being approved for a Diversity Immigrant Visa and Green Card.
This generally involves bringing all of the necessary documents, paying the DV Lottery interview fee and preparing for the DV Lottery interview questions and answers.
This article has beneficial information to help your DV Lottery interview experience go smoothly, so keep reading to learn the important details!
Table of Contents
What is the DV Lottery interview?
The DV Lottery interview at the American Embassy or Consulate is where a DV Lottery winner and his or her family briefly meet with a consular official and when the decision is made whether or not to approve the applicant(s) for US permanent residency.
After a Diversity Visa (DV) Lottery participant is randomly selected as a winner, he or she will next file the Form DS-260 Immigrant Visa Electronic Application with the US State Department’s Kentucky Consular Center (KCC).
The KCC will review the information in the Form DS-260 and if it appears that the applicant and his or her family are eligible to move forward with the US immigration process, a consular interview will be scheduled at the American Embassy or Consulate that was indicated by the DV Lottery winner in the Form DS-260 (this is usually in their country of residence).
An email will be sent from the KCC to the DV-Lottery winner informing him or her to login to the Entrant Status Check on the US State Department’s E-DV website in order to read details about the DV Lottery interview date, time and location.
Prior to the consular interview, the DV Lottery winner and his or her family members will need to have a medical exam by an approved physician in the country where the interview will occur.
The DV Lottery winner and each family member who is applying for a Diversity Immigrant Visa will also need to have two identical photos taken according to the official standards and bring them to the interview, along with all of the required documents.
It is important that the passport for the DV Lottery winner, as well as each family member who is applying for a Diversity Immigrant Visa, will be valid for at least six months after the expected date of entry into the United States.
Furthermore, the DV Lottery interview fee of $330 USD per person must be paid prior to the date and time of the scheduled interview for each family member who is applying for a Diversity Immigrant Visa.
It is recommended to check the website of the American Embassy or Consulate where the interview will occur and follow the instructions for paying the DV Lottery interview fee, as well as any special instructions posted for visiting that embassy or consulate (for example, what you can and cannot bring into the embassy or consulate, etc.).
On the DV Lottery interview date at the scheduled time, the selectee (winner), his or her spouse and all dependent children unmarried and under 21 years of age (as relevant) will attend the brief consular interview.
Two key purposes of the consular interview are:
- to check the required documents to confirm eligibility for a Diversity Immigrant Visa; and
- to make sure that the selectee and his or her family members are not inadmissible.
Thus, the consular official will ask to see various documents and will also ask some basic questions.
When the DV Lottery winner’s interview is over, one of three outcomes may occur:
- Diversity Immigrant Visa is approved
- Further Administrative Processing is needed before a decision can be made
- Diversity Immigrant Visa is denied
If the Diversity Immigrant Visa is approved, it will be put on a page of each family member’s passport and the new immigrant(s) will be informed about when and how the passport(s) will be returned.
Once the new immigrant has been approved for a Diversity Immigrant Visa, he or she must also pay a separate online Immigrant Fee of $220 USD per family member to US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) so the Permanent Resident Green Card can be sent to their designated address in the United States.
The new immigrants must enter the United States while their Diversity Immigrant Visas are still valid and will carry their plastic Green Cards as proof that they are Lawful Permanent Residents of the United States.
DV Lottery top questions and sample answers
During the DV Lottery winner’s interview, the consular official will ask several questions in order to confirm the eligibility of the selectee (winner) and to make sure that none of the applicants for a Diversity Immigrant Visa are inadmissible.
The DV Lottery winner’s interview is usually brief, but it is important to prepare for it by having all of the required documents, paying the DV Lottery interview fee and preparing for the DV Lottery interview questions and answers.
It is important to answer all of the DV Lottery interview questions honestly and if you do not know the answer to a question, simply tell the consular official that you do not know.
At the DV Lottery winner’s interview, it is best to simply answer the questions that are asked and not engage the consular official in lengthy conversation.
Since the consular official wants to confirm eligibility, some common DV Lottery Visa interview questions could include the following:
Question: May I see your Appointment Letter?
Answer: This is my Appointment Letter.
Question: Do you have your DS-260 Confirmation Page?
Answer: Yes, here it is.
Question: May I see your birth certificate/passport? (This is to confirm that you were born in an eligible country.)
Answer: Here is my birth certificate/passport.
Question: How many years of education did you complete? (This is to confirm that you satisfy the education requirement.)
Answer: I completed 12* years of education? (*Say how many years of education you completed.)
Question: May I see your High School Diploma/University Degree and official school transcripts?
Answer: Yes, here they are.
Other sample questions a consular official might ask during the DV Lottery Visa interview could include:
Question: What is your marital status?
Answer: I am single/married/divorced/widowed (i.e., say your marital status).
Question: May I see your marriage certificate? (i.e., if you are married)
Answer: Here is my marriage certificate.
Question: May I see your spouse’s birth certificate/passport?
Answer: This is his/her birth certificate/passport.
Question: May I see the final divorce decree? (i.e., if you are divorced)
Answer: This is the divorce decree.
Question: These are your children?
Answer: Yes, this is (name of child #1) and this is (name of child #2).
Question: May I see their birth certificates/passports?
Answer: Here are their birth certificates/passports.
Question: What is your occupation?
Answer: I work as a/an (title of your occupation).
Question: Do you want to work as a/an (title of your occupation) in the United States?
Answer: Yes.
Answer: Yes, but my dream is to open my own business one day.
Answer: I’m willing to work at any job that allows me to support my family.
Question: Do you know where you want to live in the United States?
Answer: We are thinking about living in (name of city and/or state), since I have family there.
Answer: We are not sure, yet, but are considering living in (city/state #1) or (city/state #2).
Question: How will you support your family after you arrive in the United States?
Answer: We saved enough money to pay for our living expenses in the US until I can find a job.
Question: Do you or any of your family members have a serious medical condition?
Answer: No (if that is an accurate answer).
Question: May I see your medical exam results?
Answer: These are the medical exam results.
Question: Were you or any of your family members ever arrested or convicted of a crime?
Answer: No (if that is an accurate answer).
Question: Have you or any of your family members ever been deported from the United States?
Answer: No (if that is an accurate answer).
Question: Do you have your passports with you?
Answer: Yes, here are our passports.
Question: Do you have two identical color photos for each family member?
Answer: Yes, here they are.
Please note that these are examples of the types of routine DV Lottery interview questions and answers that might occur, however, the exact wording may be different and other questions could be asked.
Most of the questions revolve around supporting documentation, so it is very important to bring the required documents with you, so that when the consular official asks to review it, you can quickly provide it.
Documents & requirements for DV Lottery interview
The KCC should inform you about which documents to bring to the DV Lottery interview, but they generally include:
- DS-260 Confirmation Page (printed after you complete your Form DS-260)
- Appointment Letter (printed from the E-DV website)
- Passport for each family member (valid for at least six months after the expected date of arrival in the US)
- Diploma/Degree and/or official school transcripts for the DV Lottery selectee showing that at least 12 years of primary and secondary education were completed
- Work experience documents, if the DV Lottery winner is claiming work experience criteria instead of education criteria, documentation showing at least two years of work experience in the past five years in a qualifying occupation that requires a minimum of two years of experience or training to carry out.
- Marriage Certificate (if married)
- Marriage termination document (if no longer married) such as a divorce decree, annulment papers or death certificate
- Custody documentation for children (if relevant)
- Deportation document (Form I-212) from USCIS (if an applicant was deported from the USA)
- Two identical color passport-style photos for each family member taken according to the official standards
- Medical exam results for each family member in sealed envelopes (unless the approved physician sent the medical results directly to the embassy or consulate)
- Other documents may be requested
In general, applicants for a Diversity Immigrant Visa should bring the original required document or a certified copy of a required document to the DV Lottery winner’s interview (the valid passport must be brought to the interview).
If any of the required documents need to be translated into English, you will need to provide a certified English translation of the document along with the original or certified copy of the original.
Interview Fee
The DV Lottery interview fee (officially known as the Diversity Visa fee) of $330 USD must be paid for the DV Lottery winner and also for each family member who is applying for a Diversity Immigrant Visa.
The DV Lottery interview fee is not refundable and needs to be paid before the consular interview takes place.
The DV Lottery winner should check the website of the American Embassy or Consulate where the interview will occur and follow the instructions for paying the DV Lottery interview fee.
DV Lottery Interview Date
The US State Department’s Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) will review the details provided by the DV Lottery winner in his or her Form DS-260 and may then schedule the DV Lottery interview date and time at the American Embassy or Consulate if the criteria appear to have been satisfied.
The KCC will send an email to the selectee instructing him or her to login to the US State Department’s E-DV website to read the details about the DV Lottery interview date, time and location.
The Overall Experience of the Interview
The DV Lottery interview experience is brief, yet, very important, since this is when a decision will be made about granting US permanent residency to a DV Lottery winner and his or her accompanying family members.
In general, the consular official will greet the individual or family, ask to see several documents to confirm eligibility and admissibility, ask some basic questions during the short process, and if all goes well, will inform the new immigrants that they have been approved as Lawful Permanent Residents (LPRs) of the United States.
If approved for LPR status, the consular official will inform the new immigrants about when and how their passports will be returned to them with Diversity Immigrant Visas attached inside.
Please note that it is normal to feel a bit anxious before and during the DV Lottery interview.
By adequately preparing in advance, having all of the required documents with you and thinking about common DV Lottery interview questions and answers, the process can go smoothly and, hopefully, the anxiety will be changed into happiness over being approved for immigration to the United States!
How can I prepare for the DV Lottery interview?
- Informing yourself about the DV Lottery interview
- Knowing the date, time and place of the interview
- Completing the necessary tasks prior to the interview such as:
- Possessing a passport that will be valid at least 6 months after you arrive in the US
- Gathering the required documents
- Having the medical exam(s)
- Getting the photos made correctly
- Paying the DV Lottery interview fee
- Knowing requirements for visiting the US Embassy or Consulate
- Preparing for common DV Lottery questions and answers
- Bringing all of the required documents to the interview
- Making sure that you arrive at the US Embassy or Consulate on time
- Answering the questions that the consular official asks
- Not engaging in unnecessary conversation with the consular official
Knowing the DV Lottery interview requirements and adequately preparing for them can help the consular process to go smoothly.
A key part of preparation is becoming familiar with common DV Lottery interview questions and answers.
Most of the DV Lottery Visa interview questions revolve around the consular official checking documents to confirm eligibility and admissibility to immigrate to the United States as a Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR).
Passing the DV Lottery winner’s interview successfully can result in receiving a Diversity Immigrant Visa and US Permanent Resident Green Card.
Green Card holders are authorized to live, study and work in the USA for an unlimited amount of time; can attend education programs in the US; have the opportunity to buy a home and start a business in the United States; can sponsor family members for a Green Card; travel to and from the US; and can apply to become American citizens after living in the USA for five years and meeting other criteria.
If the consular process seems complicated, don’t worry!
Since 2001, USAFIS has been guiding thousands of people around the world through the DV Lottery process, from properly applying for the DV Lottery to preparing their documents for the consular interview.
The first step in the process is to find out if you are eligible for the DV Lottery and then prepare your application and photo(s) for submission during the annual registration period normally held in October.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
What not to say during a US visa interview?
During the DV Lottery Visa interview, it is recommended to simply answer the questions that the consular official asks and not to engage the consular official with unnecessary conversation. It is ok, however, to greet the consular official (“Good morning! How are you today?”) and to say “Thank you” when the interview is over. You should answer all of the DV Lottery Visa interview questions honestly and never make false statements. If you do not know the answer to a question, simply say so.
What questions do they ask for a Green Card interview?
During the Green Card interview, the US government official will ask several questions to determine eligibility. Many of these questions will be to see various documents to confirm identity, marital status, eligibility for the particular Green Card program, etc.
How can I pass my Green Card interview?
The best way to pass your Green Card interview is to adequately prepare for it. This will often involve bringing all of the supporting documents required to confirm eligibility for the particular Green Card program. Therefore, if you have each of the required documents when the US government official asks for it, this will help the Green Card interview to go smoothly. You should also consider the types of questions that might be asked during the Green Card interview and practice answering them correctly. These questions will depend on which Green Card program you are applying for.
Are Green Card interviews easy?
It is normal to be anxious before and during a Green Card interview, but basically a US government official is going to ask to review several documents needed to confirm eligibility for a Green Card. If you have the necessary documents with you, then that is half the battle. It is best to simply answer the questions that the US official asks and not engage in unnecessary conversation during the Green Card interview.
Is it hard to pass a Green Card interview?
It is not hard to pass a Green Card interview if you truly satisfy the eligibility requirements and you have prepared for the interview in advance. Preparation for the Green Card interview will include making sure that you bring all of the required documents with you to the interview so that you have them when the US official asks for them. Preparing for the Green Card interview should also involve anticipating the types of questions the US official might ask and knowing how to answer them correctly.
What are the most common questions asked in US immigration interviews?
The most common questions asked in US immigration interviews involved requesting to see supporting documents to confirm eligibility and admissibility for immigration to the United States. Other questions may relate to why you want to immigrate to the United States, where you want to live in the USA, how you will support yourself after you arrive in the US, whether you have family or friends living in the USA, etc.
How to answer US visa interview questions?
You should simply answer the US visa interview questions that are asked by the consular official, without engaging in unnecessary conversation. Your answers should be straight and to the point. All of your answers to the US visa interview questions should be honest and accurate (never make false statements). If you do not know the answer to a US visa interview question, simply tell the consular official that you do not know the answer (never make up answers). Remember, this is a brief interview, not an interrogation, so remain calm, bring all of the required documents with you so you can provide them when asked, and when the interview is over, hopefully, you will be a new Lawful Permanent Resident of the United States!
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